
Current Planetary Influences

Planetary Highlights for March and April 2024

   Happy Spring - The planetary influences continue to teach and guide each of us how to be the best we can be – not only for ourselves but for our planet. .

 Overall, planetary energies are influencing a strong inner drive toward independence and toward inner awareness. It is a time on the Earth for changes that are eye-opening and amazing – green shoots coming out of the ground, buds on the trees, and young new life is being born. We can begin to open windows in our homes, turn down the heat, and even begin planting. The planets are guiding us to be aware of the changes – but not just on the outside, but also on the inside. We are evolving to a more mature understanding of what we must do to be the best person we can be. There are also resistances to change and fears of making a compromise. These resistances are like teachers of life – when we check in to see what the resistances are about we learn what to change in our personal lives..

Jupiter is inching closer and closer to its conjunction with Uranus in Taurus (exact on April 18)

   This is an interesting time for these 2 planets – Jupiter is concerned with society and social norms and beliefs while Uranus is concerned with making changes and leaning towards the future. With both planets in the sign of Taurus this could influence each of us to be focused on personal values such as the climate and how it is impacting all living beings. This could also impact each of us with how we handle our finances with confidence. Changes are likely to occur with income taxes as well as social security during this time. Jupiter is also very much about social institutions such as higher education, governments, health, religion, corporate businesses, and banking. Will there be more mergers of big businesses? Possibly a fresh and new way of doing business could emerge. Governments are going to feel pressured to make changes for the greater good say the planets and that’s my hope.

Retrograde planetary influences

 Retrograde motion is when the planets go so slowly in their orbits that it appears to the other planets moving normally, as if they are going in reverse direction. Overall, retrograde motion tends to slow things down in the areas that the retrograde planet rules.

 Mercury begins its Retrograde motion on April 1st (not an April’s Fool joke) at 4:22 PM MDT and ends this cycle on April 25 at 6:55 AM MDT. The day before the station of Mercury (March 31) and the day after (April 2) are days to be very careful with communicating ideas and making purchases. Then, the day before going Direct on the 24th is another day to be extra careful, the day of the station on the 25th and the 26th of April are still days to be extra mindful in communications and purchases. The after shadow of the retrograde is until May 14th. This is a good time to complete repairs, review, edits, and solving of problems.

 Mercury begins Direct motion at 9:08 PM MST January 1st and there is a time until January 21st to complete edits, reviews, and problem-solving previous communications. After the 21st of January, the planet Mercury is guiding us to move forward with new projects, ideas, and communications.

 Mars continues to be speeding in March and April

 When Mars moves faster than usual per day there is the influence to be extra energetic, extra passionate, extra creative, extra frustrated, or angry, extra goal directed and extroverted. This can be crazy making - remember to slow down your breathing every so often. Also, become aware if you are in over your head with projects.

PLUTO at the end of its stay in Capricorn will be at 1- and 2-degrees Aquarius in March and April

 Because Pluto moves very slowly this ending period has been going on for a while in our consciousness. We are not likely to realize all that this shift will bring for a while as Pluto hovers at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius throughout 2024. However, we will begin to see what the themes of Pluto in Aquarius will bring us during the winter and early spring months of 2024. While Pluto was in Capricorn, we were embroiled in government issues that were either over regulated or under regulated with rules and regulations. This caused many people to want to disregard the governments or to be fearful of restrictions or very disappointed with government for not enough restrictions (i.e. climate and guns).

  With Pluto in Aquarius at the beginning of this 20-year cycle we are first seeking change and possibly creating chaos so that change will emerge. There could be an emphasis on the use of technology, and very creative and inventive aspects to technology – such as AI – that we need to better understand. These changes can drive individuals crazy in trying to fill out new forms electronically, new “safety” codes to do normal banking and so on. Some of these new usages of technology are likely to improve the movement of money but could also cause big delays when systems don’t work as they are supposed to. Change can happen overnight and that could cause headaches and with the cycle of Mercury retrograde coming up in April it is likely that some changes get edited.

  We may also be making changes with Media and how News is delivered. Overall, Pluto wants to make transformations and for each of us to see the truth and to know from the depths of all knowing and mixed with Aquarius is about making changes and allowing us to feel free to invent and create and be advocates for various freedoms. We could end the inhumane total use of animals for laboratory testing during this era. (The sooner the better!!) I think alternative healing and the acceptance of intuition will begin to flourish also!!

March and April MOON EVENTS (Tropical Astrology)

  Overall, the Moon is the closest planetary influence to Earth and it makes sense that the movements of the Moon in relationship to the Earth will affect all living matter on the earth.

MOON VOID of COURSE –on the following dates the Moon will be void of course for several hours and it is recommended to take care that you might be less focused on details. If you are traveling and would like to know the best time for travel, please contact me for more specific information

    It is easy to lose things during moon void of course days. These dates are not the best dates for elective surgeries either. However, these dates are great for healing sessions, meditation, writing poetry and creative expression. All times entered below are in MOUNTAIN Time      and starting on March 10 Mountain Daylight Savings Time

   Mar 8 – 11:57 AM to 6:05 PM; Mar 10 –1:47 PM to 6:20 PM; Mar 12 – from 5:09 AM to 6:09 PM; Apr 22 – from 4:25 PM to 9:21 AM the next day

SUPER MOONS – A super moon is when the moon is either New or Full and at perigee which means that the moon is closest to the earth and appears much larger than usual. These moons can appear 13 to 14% bigger than usual and 27 to 30% brighter

Chiron is at 17- to 20 -degrees Aries throughout the month of March and April and is conjunct transiting North Node

    Check to see if Chiron is conjunct any of your Aries planets. This could accelerate healing work with your eyes, skin, and brain. Or perhaps you will find a better understanding of your heritage or your relationships. No matter where Chiron is transiting you feel an opportunity to heal, to learn and to bring wholeness to you. Oh, but remember to work through the obstacles that might be part of the learning experience.

March 3rd – last quarter Moon (13 degrees Sagittarius) – at the end of the lunar cycle it is a good time to finish up projects and to make room for new beginnings with the New Moon coming up soon. .

March 10 –
 USA begins Daylight Savings Time
Moon at Perigee – when Moon is closest to the earth, we tend to feel more emotional than on other days. The moon rules the movement of tidal water, but also in our bodies (since we are about 60% water) – so, clearing away excess water is advised.
New Moon and at Perigee (considered a Super Moon)

  This Pisces Moon is speeding at about the fastest daily velocity it can. “Speeding Moons” influence us to feel very caught up in projects, relationships, and emotional issues. It is a time when we need reminders to take a rest or drink some water or believe that there is time to do everything but not all at once.

  This Moon is feeling very romantic and creative and idealistic and will want to talk with kindred spirits about these feelings. The key to having a successful and non-stressful day is to take time to listen to self and others and breathe in beautiful thoughts.

March 17 – First Quarter Moon (27 degrees Gemini)
          Take steps forward in life that inspire you as well as others.

March 19 - Spring Equinox – Happy Spring

March 20 – Sun enters Aries –
          This is the time of the year when people are inspired to start new beginnings. It is time to step outside to examine what spring will bring. This is very exciting. The energy of this time is up and running and there will be times to reflect and rest and listen, although these quiet moments are not always compatible with the nature of Aries. Generally, it is about being busy and being adventurous. Ideas and creativity are flowing.ers. .

March 23 – Moon at Apogee –
          The Lunar apogee is like a waning Moon phase when the energy is contracting, and the Moon is farthest from the earth. This is a great day to do breathing exercises and to find new ways to bring benefit to the earth and all animals. 

March 25 - Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra

  This Moon is opposite Neptune and is generally quiet, peaceful, and romantic or idealistic. However, with the opposition to Neptune the romantic or idealistic notions might be held back, and some compromises are in the works. What matters the most is taking a spiritual mature approach to all matters that involve others. Think about the impact you bring to the wider world with each decision you make, and you will be implementing Spiritual Maturity.

April 1 – Mercury goes Retrograde until April 25

April 2

– Last Quarter Moon This last quarter Moon is all about letting go. Today is not the greatest day to have high expectations of self and others. Perhaps, letting go of expectations will be best. Also, let the energy of upcoming days fill your heart with love – love of self and others will bring kindness into the world.

April 8 – New Moon and Solar Eclipse (19 degrees Aries)

 This New Moon and Solar Eclipse has Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun, Chiron, the North Node, and the Moon. And with Mercury square Pluto it is likely to be a trying day when some speech and communications cause miscommunications. The key to success is to refrain from being reactionary. If you have any part of your astrology that is conjunct 19 to 25 degrees Aries you are likely to feel the energies of this Solar Eclipse much stronger than others. The effect of this Eclipse can last for at least 1 year.

 This New Moon is speeding as it was in March and can feel very exciting but exhausting. Keep a rhythm going this day and for the next few days that are reasonable – you may feel like dancing all night, but you may need to think about the next day -

April 15 – First Quarter Moon (26 degrees Cancer)

     Today is energetically a beneficial day for assisting those who are less fortunate and those who are unable to speak for themselves.  

April 19 – Sun enters Taurus

     This is a time that is great for planting seeds that provide nourishment and beauty to the planet. Think about the metaphorical meaning of planting seeds in all aspects of your life. It is a time for enjoyment of nature and beauty and can also be about cultivating your talents and skills. The economy will be talked about as well as the health of our planet during this time.

April 23 – Full Moon (Scorpio 4 degrees)

     This Moon is square Pluto and opposite Venus/Sun so there can be some emotional issues to overcome. These issues are very important to clear away, like clearing out the garden box of old roots that no longer serve the garden and your heart.

April 25 – Mercury goes Direct 


Thanks for visiting – the next moon and planetary update will be in the first week of May 2024.











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